progress, ride of hope and ladies tour of norway!
The past month has been a great time for my body, for four weeks I've seen progress in pretty much every training. Everything from the feeling in my lung, in my body and in the pulse is changing for the better quite fast. What Im doing at the moment is slow and steady, longer trainings to start to build up my body again without getting my pulse up to high (tho I don't have to look at my pulse every second of every ride anymore). I take restdays completly of the bike to make sure my body recovers well (which it does) and make sure I step up the training slowly, there's no stress. I have a bike ECG test booked the 24 of august to make sure nothing has gotten to my heart, which we believe it hasn't. After that Im hoping to be allowed to start doing a bit of intervals and maybe do a few races in Sweden before the season ends, only to get in the athmosphere and to make the winter feel not as long. If the doctors allow ofcourse.
I've put up a plan over the fall and winter to come back stronger than ever in 2016 and Im super excited to get a great winter in! There's always a silver lining and my motivation is very high for the olympic year to come.
The past week i've been a part of the leaders crew of Ride of Hope, an event where people ride from Lund in south of Sweden all the way to Stockholm. The rides has been between 100-180km every day and today is the 9th and final day for the ride. The event is all about gathering money for the childhood cancer foundation and my friend Gary Fleming is the one who started it all, a guy with a big heart of gold.
It's been a great week and I've met so many wounderful people and everyone is there for the same reason; for the kids and to fight cancer. I loved every second of it! If you wanna help with the gathering, here's where you can donate:
The coming week it's time for the scandinavian UCI/WC races to kick of and at Ladies tour of Norway I am gonna be working for the norwegian TV2 channel as an expert commentator. So from today til than I'll study the results of 2015! ;) Im super excited to see all my friends again and to watch some world class racing live! Offcourse I wouldn't have wanted anything else than to be on the startline myself and I get alot of questions about if I don't feel bad to watch the races when I can't race'em myself. Yes, my legs iche and I WANT to ride, but I have accepted the situation and Im happy to be a part of it in some way to be honest. I see it as a reminder of where I want to be and a motivation to get there.
So things are coming together for me again and it's exciting times ahead! All smiles! :)